At the time when internet usage is growing rapidly in India today, every business and brands are keen to make the most out it, be it website, online advertising campaign, social media promotions or taking business online through apps or e-Commerce site. For small and medium business, the challenge lies in identifying the right partner who will guide them in right way from strategy to execution. In 2009, back then India’s internet users were about 70 million as compared to today’s 330 million users. Facebook and Twitter were nascent, 2G was a luxury. It was a fortunate time for Instinct Media to have started in the same year which gave access to being part of the India’s digital growth story.

Spinning web with the power of Google

“Growth came naturally to us, the demand for digital marketing services were huge,” says Instinct Media’s Founder & CEO Rushabh Navin Vasa. “Today social media is all the rage, but when we started, it was all about creating website and blogs,” he adds. Once business had websites, they wanted customers to visit their site from both organic and paid means, that’s when Instinct Media started offering Search Engine Marketing (SEM & SEO). Providing reliable strategy to obtain optimal results from SEM were made possible with Rushabh’s association with Google and all the training and certifications the company got from Google’s partner programs.

Beyond Business

In 2013, Rushabh had the opportunity to play a pivotal part in formation of Google Business Group – Mumbai (GBG Mumbai). It’s an outreach program initiated by Google to help small and medium business to use web technology for business success. Though Google does not own the group or pay the members, it does offer exhaustive amount of knowledge, resources and training programs to organizers such as Rushabh, who in turn help the local community and clients to use technology for succeeding in business.
