Aawaz.com, the audio on demand platform which streams original audio and long-form text content in Hindi, on Thursday announced its association with Indus OS. This partnership will see the Aawaz.com app being available on Indus App Bazaar. Indus OS is available in English and 23 Indian languages, spoken by over 95% of the Indian population.

“Our focus at Indus OS is to build system apps to simplify discovery and consumption of digital content and commerce user’s preferred language, thus ensuring a truly inclusive digital growth and an enriched user experience for everyone,” Rakesh Deshmukh, co-founder and CEO, Indus OS, said.

With over 150 hours of audio and over 2,000 text articles, covering celebrity interviews, chat shows, career and life advice, a daily dose of humour, stand-up comedy, stories and poetry, mythology, prayers and devotional chants Awaaz.com offers a mix of content to cater to the tastes of a vast demographic. Aawaz.com will also have ML (machine learning) and AI (artificial intelligence) capabilities to recommend and personalise content based on the user’s preferences.

(Source: BrandEquity)